Friday, July 27, 2012

Jackson judge orders probe into children's welfare

FILE - This Jan. 26, 2012 file photo shows, from left, Prince Jackson, Blanket Jackson and Paris Jackson after a hand and footprint ceremony honoring their father musician Michael Jackson in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles. The executors of Michael Jackson's estate say they are concerned about the welfare of the singer's mother and his three children. In a letter posted on fan sites Tuesday, July 24, executors John Branca and John McClain says they are doing what they can to protect them from ?undue influences, bullying, greed, and other unfortunate circumstances.? The letter came hours after sheriff's deputies responded for a family disturbance at the hilltop home where Katherine Jackson and her three grandchildren live. No arrests were made, but there is an active battery investigation. Katherine Jackson was reported missing over the weekend, but is with relatives in Arizona. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles)

FILE - This Jan. 26, 2012 file photo shows, from left, Prince Jackson, Blanket Jackson and Paris Jackson after a hand and footprint ceremony honoring their father musician Michael Jackson in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles. The executors of Michael Jackson's estate say they are concerned about the welfare of the singer's mother and his three children. In a letter posted on fan sites Tuesday, July 24, executors John Branca and John McClain says they are doing what they can to protect them from ?undue influences, bullying, greed, and other unfortunate circumstances.? The letter came hours after sheriff's deputies responded for a family disturbance at the hilltop home where Katherine Jackson and her three grandchildren live. No arrests were made, but there is an active battery investigation. Katherine Jackson was reported missing over the weekend, but is with relatives in Arizona. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles)

(AP) ? A judge on Friday ordered an investigation into the well-being of Michael Jackson's children and a lawyer for the family matriarch said she will move to share guardianship of the children with the adult son of Tito Jackson.

Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff told a court investigator to interview the three children independently and provide a report for review only by the judge, not attorneys involved in the case.

The order does not spell out a reason for the investigation, but it is likely intended to give the judge another perspective on how Jackson's children are coping after a week of family turmoil that included the absence of their grandmother and a dispute in the driveway of their home amid a feud over the estate of the pop superstar.

The court investigator was ordered to interview the children at school at a time to remain undisclosed. Beckloff received a similar report a few weeks after Jackson's death in 2009 and its contents remain sealed.

Beckloff said during a hearing earlier this week that there were no indications that Katherine Jackson had done anything wrong.

Under the proposed guardianship change, the 82-year-old Jackson would share oversight of the children with Tito Jackson's son in a deal that would relieve her of some of the day-to-day stresses of managing a famous family, her attorney Perry Sanders Jr. said.

The decision was made after a meeting between Katherine Jackson and Sanders on Thursday. He said Michael Jackson's eldest son has told attorneys he approves of the arrangement.

A formal filing for co-guardianship is expected next week. If approved, it would make Tito Joe "TJ" Jackson a co-guardian of the children ? Prince, Paris and Blanket ? who range in ages from 10 to 15.

TJ Jackson's attorneys suggest the co-guardianship arrangement in a filing Friday. It states that if either adult guardian dies or is unable to serve, the other will act alone in raising the children.

Under the plan, responsibility for managing staff and security at the home would shift to TJ Jackson. Katherine Jackson would keep control of a family allowance worth tens of thousands of dollars a month, Sanders said.

"Mrs. Jackson is extremely pleased with the prospect of enjoying the pleasure of raising Michael's children without the day-to-day tedium of items such as managing the large staff that goes with such a high-profile family and focus her attention on being a grandmother and raising Michael's children," Sanders wrote in a statement.

"She is eager to simply enjoy her great relationship with these children, while deeding over some of the stressors that go hand in hand with being a guardian," he wrote.

TJ Jackson, 34, is the children's first cousin and performs with his brothers in the group 3T.

Beckloff on Wednesday suspended Katherine Jackson's guardianship duties temporarily and appointed TJ Jackson as temporary guardian. The judge said he would likely re-instate Katherine Jackson as guardian upon her return.

Katherine Jackson had been at a Tucson, Ariz., spa since July 15 with her daughter Rebbie and other relatives and had not spoken to her grandchildren during that time. She returned to the Los Angeles area on Thursday.

"The minor children are very attached to (TJ Jackson) who has been very involved in their lives since the death of their father," TJ Jackson's attorneys wrote in the court filing. "Recent events have highlighted the need for continuity for the minor children."

The filing was required by Beckloff, but Sanders said it would be superseded by a joint petition next week.


Anthony McCartney can be reached at

Associated Press


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What happens to a live fish in zero gravity? We'll soon find out.

An experiment to study the effects of microgravity on fish will bring 32 medakas, a small fish native to Southeast Asia, to the International Space Station in October.

By Denise Chow,? / July 27, 2012

The above image shows an Aquatic Habitat, or AQH, specimen chamber housing Medaka fish for study on the International Space Station during the Expedition 33/34 mission in 2012.



When the next Russian-built Soyuz capsule launches to the International Space Station in October, it will deliver three new crewmembers to the orbiting outpost. But the trio of spaceflyers will be sharing their ride with some special cargo: 32 small fish for a science experiment at the space lab.

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NASA astronaut Kevin Ford and Russian cosmonauts Evgeny Tarelkin and Oleg Novitskiy are scheduled to launch to the International Space Station on Oct. 15 from the Baikonour Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Their Soyuz TMA-06M capsule will also be carrying 32 medaka fish ? a type of fish native to Southeast Asia ? to the orbiting complex.

"They'll be on our Soyuz with us ? 32 fish, plus the three of us," Ford told reporters in a news briefing Thursday (July 26).

The medakas will become part of an experiment carried out on the station to investigate the effects of microgravity on fish. The astronauts aboard the outpost will monitor changes in the fish as they live in orbit. [7 Everyday Things that Happen Strangely In Space]

"When we come onboard, one of the first items will be to get these fish transferred and into their habitat and get the experiment underway," Ford explained.

The fish will stay in a special aquatic habitat that is being delivered to the space station by a robotic Japanese cargo freighter. The Japanese unmanned H-2 Transfer Vehicle-3, or HTV-3, launched into orbit on July 20, and arrived at the space station today (July 27).

Scientists are particularly interested in how the skeletal systems of fish change in the near weightless environment aboard the space station, said Julie Robinson, an International Space Station program scientist.

It has long been known that exposure to microgravity for extended periods of time can carry negative consequences, including loss of muscle and bone density. To prevent lasting harmful effects, space station astronauts adhere to rigorous exercise regimens, and doctors on the ground closely monitor their health.

But experiments such as the one with medaka fish do not hold potential benefits for only spaceflyers. The results of these types of studies can have far-reaching effects on Earth, too.

"It's an experiment, essentially, for osteoporosis," Ford explained.

The lessons learned from studying the skeletal systems of fish in space can inform scientists on the ground about how bones degrade over time here on Earth. This type of scientific research is part of what inspired the motto for this space station-bound crew: From the Earth, for the Earth.

"The idea is that the space station is up there for everybody, and even though it's essentially 15 countries that put [forward] their resources, it's really there for everybody on the planet."

But for Ford, Tarelkin and Novitskiy, the medaka fish will also be their companions for the thrilling journey to the International Space Station.

"I won't have my 'gone fishing' hat, though," Ford joked.

Follow Denise Chow on Twitter @denisechow?or @Spacedotcom. We're also on Facebook?and Google+.

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Kittens Read Book on iPad | Babble Pets

kittensipad 300x166 Kittens Read Book on iPadIf you want to make me die, show me long haired kittens. Seriously. I?m not so into long hair grown up cats (damn shedding and fur balls everywhere) but kittens that have fuzzy faces and that long hair that sticks out of their ears in that adorable way?


I had no idea that cats and iPads were so compatible (maybe that?s because I don?t own an iPad, and alas, right now I am also cat less), but judging by the number of videos on YouTube featuring cats playing with iPads, it?s a ?thing.?

Watch these two kittens actually read a book app on the iPad. Okay, they aren?t reading it. BUT THEY ARE ADORABLE.

 Kittens Read Book on iPad


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Dubai Police Chief Warns Of International Plot To ... - Business Insider

DUBAI (Reuters) - Dubai's chief of police has warned of an "international plot" to overthrow the governments of Gulf Arab countries, saying the region needs to be prepared to counter any threat from Islamist dissidents as well as Syria and Iran.

The comments by, one of the most outspoken security officials in the United Arab Emirates, follow the detention in the UAE since April of at least 20 dissidents, according to relatives of the detainees and activists.

"There's an international plot against Gulf states in particular and Arab countries in general...This is preplanned to take over our fortunes," Khalfan told reporters at a gathering late on Wednesday marking the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

"The bigger our sovereign wealth funds and the more money we put in the banks of Western countries, the bigger the plot to take over our countries...The brothers and their governments in Damascus and North Africa have to know that the Gulf is a red line, not only for Iran but also for the Brothers as well."

Most of the detainees since April are Islamists, targeted by an official clampdown amid concern they may be emboldened by the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in other Arab countries such as Egypt.

UAE Interior Ministry officials have not been available to comment on the arrests. Last week, UAE officials announced that authorities were investigating a foreign-linked group planning "crimes against the security of the state".

"I had no idea that there is this large number of Muslim Brotherhood in the Gulf states. We have to be alert and on guard because the wider these groups become, the higher probability there is for trouble," Khalfan said on Wednesday.

"We are aware that there are groups plotting to overthrow Gulf governments in the long term."

(Reporting by Mirna Sleiman; Writing by Andrew Torchia; Editing by Pravin Char)


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