Friday, October 26, 2012

Olympics helps Britain leap out of recession

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain rebounded strongly from recession in the third quarter, posting its strongest quarterly GDP growth in five years, boosted at least in part by robust Olympics spending, official data showed on Thursday.

The jump in growth was subject to a number of temporary factors, including the Olympics, which may mask a weaker underlying picture.

But it was still much better than expected and may mean Britain's full 2012 economy will not be in the red.

The Office for National Statistics said Britain's gross domestic product rose by 1.0 percent between July and September, beating forecasts for a 0.6 percent gain, after shrinking by 0.4 percent between April and June.

On the year, the economy was flat, also better than expected.

The return to growth after three consecutive quarters of contraction was welcome news for a coalition government under pressure to do more to revive the economy.

However, the third quarter rise was boosted by ticket sales for the London Olympics - which the statistics office estimated accounted for a fifth of the quarterly increase - and a rebound from an extra public holiday in the second quarter.

Stripping out those one-off effects, economists said growth in the UK economy was weak and that headwinds from the euro zone were likely to act as a drag in the coming months.

"It was a very good number, but understandably good," said Alan Clarke, economist at Scotiabank, noting the lift from the Olympic ticket sales and what he estimated was about half a percentage point boost from the hit taken by the June extra holiday.

"There's now a good chance the economy won't actually contract on average for this year... It'll probably be flat and, in the context of monetary policy, it reinforces the case for the Bank of England to pause on quantitative easing."

Sterling hit a one-week high versus the dollar and British government bonds extended losses after the data was released.

After falls in unemployment and inflation last week, Chancellor George Osborne said the figures vindicated the government's economic policies.

"There is still a long way to go, but these figures show we are on the right track," Osborne said. "Yesterday's weak data from the euro zone were a reminder that we still face many economic challenges at home and abroad."


Bank of England Governor Mervyn King cautioned on Tuesday that the recovery would remain slow, with threats posed by the euro zone debt crisis and a cooling of the fast-growing economies of India, China and Brazil.

However, two of the nine Bank policymakers struck a note of confidence on the economy in interviews with newspapers.

Paul Fisher and Charlie Bean noted that the central bank's new scheme to get credit flowing through the economy was showing promising signs.

Nevertheless, investors scaled back expectations for another cash boost from the Bank as King said policymakers would think "long and hard" before extending the currently approved 375 billion pounds of quantitative easing bond purchases.

The ONS said the British economy had grown by 0.3 percent so far this year, but was still 3.1 percent below a peak in the first quarter of 2008.

Britain has not fully recovered the output lost during the 2008-2009 slump that has left many Britons worse off and the economy slipped back into recession at the end of last year.

Output in Britain's service sector - which makes up more than three quarters of GDP - rose by 1.3 percent in the third quarter after falling 0.1 percent in the second quarter. That was the strongest quarterly growth since the third quarter of 2007.

Industrial output was 1.1 percent higher, the strongest rise since the second quarter of 2010. Construction - which accounts for less than 7 percent of GDP - contracted by 2.5 percent.

(Editing by Jeremy Gaunt)


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Factbox: Obama, Romney positions on energy policy

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New Orleans overnight crime report for Monday, Oct. 15, 2012 ...

This report comes directly from the New Orleans Police Department's Major Offense Log for 6 a.m. Sunday through 6 a.m. Monday.

Armed Robbery with a gun

21:11 Hrs.

S. Lopez/Canal St.

Victims: Three females

Gist: The females were approached by a male who implied a weapon and demanded their purses. The females offered him their cash. The subject fled with $303.00.


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Monday, October 15, 2012

Qs about Dates and Bad Faith - WORLD Law Direct Forums


I need a clarification regarding surrender.
I was told that the 30 day time frame starts on the day the property is vacated.
I was told by another source that the surrender occurs when the key is surrendered and the forwarding address is given.
We surrendered the keys and gave the forwarding address on the date set by the landlord and not when we vacated .
Which one is correct in Texas?
The landlord has been communicating via email and has did not use US postal mail to send the letter. Is that an issue also?
The lease did not convert to a month to month lease since they had given us a notice in July that it was terminating on aug 31 and would not be renewed.We moved out in Aug as per the lease terms.

Normally, possession is returned the LL when the tenants actually vacate. However, since the tenants retained the keys until asked for them by the LL, they retained access to and possession of the rental unit until those keys were returned. That would make 9/4 the surrender date. That ALSO means that the LL can legally charge rent for the additional days that the tenants retained possession of the rental unit.

As for attorney fees and costs, unless the lease specifically states that the tenant can be charged those costs as a result of any dispute arising from the terms of the lease, then that is NOT something they (LLs) can automatically charge or deduct from the security deposit.

Last, but not least, with regard to the communication between LL and tenant, email is often acceptable, but not always considered effective as legal evidence. The reason that mail is preferred is because you can request signature confirmation of the delivery and receipt of those documents. There are some programs that provide a delivery and read receipt, but the courts still don't always accept them. The whole point here is that there needs to be actual documented confirmation that the communication has taken place, and delivery/read receipts provide this confirmation.

"If it ain't in writing, it never happened."
"A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."
"You can never make the same mistake twice, because the second time you make it, it's not a mistake, but a CHOICE."


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iPhone 5 Web traffic overtakes Samsung's Galaxy S III in three weeks

Samsung's Galaxy S III, which has been on sale for almost four months, has seen its Web traffic volume beaten by Apple's iPhone 5 after only 18 days.

Research arm Chitika Insights examined millions of mobile ad impressions from its ad network for the seven days between?October 3 and October 9, and found that the Web traffic volume for the newly released iPhone 5 has already overtaken that of the Galaxy S III.

It's important to note that we cannot extrapolate handset numbers from Web traffic volume. It may be that iPhone 5 handsets now outnumber Galaxy S III handsets, or it may be that people browse more on their iPhones, perhaps because the new handset supports high-speed 4G LTE.

However, the new should cause some sleepless nights over at Samsung HQ.

"This latest shift in the mobile ecosystem is not welcome news for Samsung," writes the firm, "which has positioned its device as a direct competitor to the iPhone 5".

It's not surprising that there are?high levels of iPhone 5 Web traffic. Apple sold 5 million handsets over the first three days of the launch weekend, and would have likely sold more if it was not for display shortages putting a kink in the all important supply chain.

Image source:?Chitika Insights.


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Monday, October 8, 2012

A Taste (and drink) of Vietnamese Chinatown NYC | The Saucey ...

Last?Friday, 4 lucky Sauceheads joined Toan and myself for a food tour of Vietnamese Chinatown here in New York City. What prompted this good fortune? ?Well, we wanted to show our appreciation for the investments that this awesome group made to our Smallknot campaign back in August.

The itinerary for the night:

6:30 Meet at the Hong Kong Supermarket for a tour of traditional Vietnamese ingredients. ?If that sounds a bit odd to you (Hong Kong supermarket?Vietnamese ingredients) ? it should! ?While HK and Vietnam have little in common food-wise, here in the city, the HK Supermarket is where we go to find the best selection of Vietnamese goods.

7:00 Head over to Cong Ly for a sampling of some typical Vietnamese dishes, drinks, and desserts.

9:00 Grab a drink at nearby bar?Apoth?ke.??No relation to Vietnamese cuisine, but plenty of fun!

Check out the photos below.

Holding class at the HK Supermarket?








Rows upon rows of Vietnamese sauces?










And of course?.fish sauce! ?The orange bottle below comes from the same island (Ph? Qu?c)?that the Saucey Sauce Co. imports its fish sauce from.










After the tour, we headed over to Cong Ly ? where Toan often goes to have an authentic Vietnamese meal.
















Ready to order!








Look at that spread! ?A few of the dishes we had were Cha Gio?spring rolls, Pho (my favorite!), ?Banh Hoi grilled beef, pork and shrimp with rice vermicelli,?Banh Beo steamed rice cakes?








A popular drink in Vietnam with sweet basil seeds. ?Or as Toan joked ? tiny tadpoles!










And some Ch? to end on a sweet note! ?Ch??is a traditional ice dessert popular in Vietnam and other parts of South East Asia. ?Some variations contain coconut milk, beans, and agar jellies.








And before the night was over, we sat down for a tasty hand crafted cocktail.










Sound like a fun night? ?You can do it too! ?Just grab some friends, print out the map?here?complete with Saucey Sauce insider tips, and go!

Don?t forget to send us any pictures of your discoveries!




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Saturday, October 6, 2012

More Poetry Markets | Writing and Publishing News

It has been a busy few days. I received notice that my latest book is here?at least it is on the desk of my publicist at the publishing house. I?ll be announcing it very soon right here and explain how to order your copy. It is Talk Up Your Book, How to Promote Your Book Through Public Speaking, Interviews, signings, Festivals, Conferences and More.

I write a monthly blog for BookBaby. After this month?s post, I began receiving requests by the dozens for my latest freebie, 50 Ways to Promote Your Ebook. I hit 75 requests this morning and they are still coming in.

Also, I received word yesterday that I have been accepted as a speaker and panelist at the prestigious, invitation only book festival event in Tucson in March. That?s my 6th event scheduled for 2013 so far.

More Poetry Links
Per my promise, here are a few more opportunities for poets who want to see their work published. I?ve included a few paying markets AND a directory of over 900 markets for poets. Contact me if you found this useful.

Glassworks literary magazine publishes digitally and in print. They seek poetry, fiction, nonfiction, craft essays, hybrid forms, and new media (photography, video, audio, multi-modal, etc.) for its general issue. They are also accepting work for a themed issue: ?utility and beauty.? General deadline: December 15, 2012. Themed deadline: March 1, 2013. Previously published work considered for themed issue. Read guidelines at

Astrophil Press, a publisher of literary fiction, non-fiction, poetry, critical, and hybrid works will read submissions from September 1, 2012 through November 30, 2012. There is a $20.00 reading fee, but all work will be thoughtfully considered. Please go to: for details. Astrophil Press has published critically acclaimed and timeless authors such as: Brian Evenson, Keith Abbott, Ellen Welcker, David Gruber, and Eric Olson. Please stop by our website for complete catalog details.

Trail and Timberline uses poetry related to the Colorado Mountains and they pay $50 per piece.

Boston Review publishes poetry and this is their reading period. Learn more about the type of poetry they want here:

The Sun pays $100 to $500 for the poetry they publish.

And here is the link to 974 markets for poetry. If you write poetry, you really must check this out.


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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bill Clinton fires up Democratic convention (Los Angeles Times)

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Various Health Tips for Good Health and Fitness - Weight Loss & Diets

Every one of you desires to be fit and healthy. Staying fit must be given uttermost importance as with good health you can perform all the other functions and activities properly without any resistance or delay. Although medical science have come a log way over the years and provides assurance of curing a majority of diseases, you must try avoid visiting the doctor every now and then for treating your ailments. One reason for which you should avoid visiting the doctor often is because medical treatment is becoming more and more expensive with the passage of time, hence every time you fall sick and visit a doctor, it surely will create a dent on your pocket. Secondly, its not necessary that you have to seek medical help for treating minor ailments such as colds and fever, as prolonged use of medicinal drugs may cause your body to looses the natural ability for fighting germs causing diseases. Therefore you must aim in staying fit and healthy and this can be done by practicing various day-to-day activities that promotes good health and puts a check on your medical expenditures. Below mentioned are some health tips which you can follow regularly for maintaining good health and fitness.

  • Start your day with meditation and exercise: The best way to stay healthy and fit is by starting your day with exercise and meditation. Meditation relaxes the mind and helps fighting anxiety and depression which are responsible for causing a majority of diseases. Generic exercise such as jogging, yoga, swimming, etc. especially in the morning is significantly helpful in keeping your body fit. Exercising in the morning helps you in fighting coronary diseases, and boosts your immune system as the air you breathe in the morning is full of oxygen and pollutants free. Hence with an improved and powerful immune system your body becomes naturally fit for fighting a majority of disease without medical attention.
  • Healthy breakfast: Breakfast is considered to be the most important meal of the day. The food you consume in the breakfast is digested quickly and provides energy to your body. Hence your breakfast must be healthy and rich in nutrients. Indulge in taking fruits and fruit juices along with skimmed milk or green tea. Fruits such as apples, bananas, oranges, etc are rich in various nutrients and green tea acts as an excellent antioxidant. Milk is also rich in several nutrients and consuming it in the morning provides the strength and energy you require for performing the regular activities.
  • Drink plenty of water: Drinking plenty of water is important which even doctors recommend. It helps in keeping your body hydrated, is good for digestion, keeps your skin moisturized, helps in reducing your body temperature, etc.
  • Eat light lunch and even lighter dinner:? Lunch and dinner must be eaten moderately in less amounts. It?s also important that you maintain perfect timing for both. Complete you dinner before 8pm at night and go for an after dinner walk as it helps in digesting the food you consumed and improves your metabolism.
  • Eat plenty of vegetables: You must add green vegetables in your diet as they are high in nutrients and fiber content which is good for digestion. Avoid having meat, especially read meat as it increases the chances of cancer and coronary diseases. If you follow non-vegetarianism, prefer fish over meat as fish is extremely rich in nutrients like Omega 3 Fatty acids which is good for your heart and fights cancer as well.
  • Sleep well: You must sleep at least for 8 hours a day as it helps in recharging your mind and body. Many people who are deprived of proper sleep may become ill as it creates anxiety and depression which in turn degrades the immune system.

By bringing these changes in your daily life you can surely be physically fit and mentally healthy and live a prosperous life without paying much to the doctor.

For more information please visit: The Doctors Health Press

Aidan Bertie

Aidan Bertie is wondering if we accept guest posts because he cannot read and would rather send spammy form letters. He is very lucky I allowed him to be a guest writer. I hope he rethinks his strategy and submits better articles than this first failure would indicate is likely.

More Posts - Website

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OurTube ? Santander Consumer USA videos online

OurTube -- Santander Consumer USA Videos Online

If you are like many car shoppers, myself included, you probably decide which shiny new or used vehicle you would like to purchase and where before you think too much about how you?re going to pay for it. Sure, you might figure out whether a new vehicle might fit into the household budget, but then it usually isn?t long before you discover you have more questions than answers about paying for it.

Unless you?re going to pay cash, that means you?ll be taking out a loan ? or retail installment contract ? which can be scary and confusing for many car, SUV or truck buyers. Especially scary for folks such as students, young families and many others that may have less-than-perfect credit or no credit at all. You really need answers from someone who knows what he or she is talking about when it comes to the complexities of financing a vehicle purchase.

At Santander Consumer USA,, and RoadLoans,, we understand that financing your vehicle can sometimes be confusing. That?s why we use multiple channels, including social media such as YouTube and Facebook, to help get you on the right road. If you have questions, we have answers, as in this selection of YouTube videos:

Santander Consumer USA
With its Drive?, RoadLoans and Santander Auto Finance brands, the company provides full-spectrum auto lead and lending programs on direct and indirect platforms.

What Everybody Should Know about Simple Interest Loans
When you receive a simple interest loan from Santander, it's important to be aware of two important terms ? principal and interest ? and how they can affect your account.

Second Chances (Customer Testimonial)
Hear Rusty, a repeat customer of Santander Consumer USA, tell how Santander gave him a second chance after he was denied financing several times by other lenders.

Auto Dealers about Santander Financing
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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Romney campaign, RNC raise $100 million in August

(AP) ? Mitt Romney's presidential campaign has raised at least $100 million in August, The Associated Press has learned, hitting that mark for a third consecutive month with a fundraising prowess that has let him outraise President Barack Obama so far this summer.

The early numbers, which include money raised by the national Republican Party, will be publicly released next week. They were described by two people familiar with the figures who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to share internal campaign matters.

The numbers were revealed on the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., where delegates will nominate Obama for a second term. Federal records show that Romney and the GOP have pulled in more cash than Obama's re-election effort in May, June and July, including money collected by the Democratic Party.

It is usually difficult for a challenger to raise more money than an incumbent holding a major elective office, particularly in a presidential race.

The figures exclude tens of millions of dollars that outside "super" political action committees are pouring into the race to help Romney. Those groups have been largely bankrolled by wealthy Americans, thanks to changes in recent years that have loosened campaign-finance regulations.

The fundraising news further underscores the problem Obama's campaign may have in staying above water on the money side. While once a record-breaker ? Obama raised a remarkable $750 million four years ago ? the president's advisers are now publicly acknowledging the incumbent likely will be outspent.

Obama and the Democratic Party have not released their August fundraising figures.

Money is a crucial bellwether in presidential campaigns. It costs millions of dollars to run pricey television ads, pay staffers, keep field offices open and conduct get-out-the-vote efforts. Spending by campaigns, parties, super PACs and other outside groups will likely approach $2 billion by November.

Romney and the GOP raised a combined $101 million in July, $106 million in June and $76.8 million in May. For their part, Obama and the Democrats pulled in $75 million last month, and $71 million in June and $60 million in May. Last month, Obama's campaign spent much of its cash ? about $59 million ? on advertising and paid staff.

Pro-Romney super PACs like American Crossroads and Restore Our Future have spent tens of millions of dollars on TV ads critical of Obama in key states, and the groups expect to spend much more as November approaches. Obama also has super PACs working in his favor, although the groups have yet to catch up to the fundraising benchmarks of their GOP counterparts.

All told, the groups' fundraising strength means Romney could have a permanent financial advantage over Obama. An Obama campaign spokesman declined to comment Tuesday.

Romney fundraising officials have told donors there were few states that haven't broken fundraising efforts. That could put Romney on track to raise $800 million by Election Day.

Both campaigns' financial reports detailing sources of revenue and where the money is spent are due to the Federal Election Commission by Sept. 20.

The fundraising figure was first reported by Politico.


Beaumont reported from Des Moines, Iowa.


Follow Jack Gillum on Twitter:

Associated Press


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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Concrete Foundation Resurfacing Tips -

Your home is prone to cracks due to natural conditions or depreciation of materials. These cracks or damages do not look good on your foundations or walls and floors. You need to resurface these areas not just to preserve the beauty of their design, but to prevent further cracks or damages. If you can find minor cracks, you may do the resurfacing yourself to save from service fees. In case of major damages to important areas, it is best to contact your contractor for professional resurfacing.

Tools and equipment

You can use epoxy coatings in Brisbane for resurfacing your concrete foundation for better results. Purchase materials such as primer, fabric or thin membrane, prime coat, elastomeric base coat, and polymer concrete from local paint and hardware stores. You will need a garden hose and steam powdered solution for cleaning. Prepare your paint brushes, paint roller, and taping knife as tools for resurfacing. Concrete grinder and epoxy mortar are also needed for the process. You should check if you have some of the tools at home. Gather them in one place then buy the necessary materials and tools that you need. Buy high quality products at reasonable prices to ensure that your resurfaced concrete foundation will last longer.

Procedures for concrete resurfacing

You need to clean the area to be resurfaced using your garden hose. In case of oil or chemical deep build ups, wash them off with the steam powdered solution. The concrete resurfacing in Gold Coast should start with filling cracks with primers for better results. For small holes, you can use epoxy mortar to fill them. Use your paint brush to apply them evenly on every cracked area. You should use the type of primer that meets your requirements or area conditions.

Cut your fabrics into parts based on the sizes or lengths of the cracks on the area. You can then place the fabrics or thin membranes on each crack for reinforcement. Use another paint brush to apply the elastomeric base coat over the cracks with fabrics. Leave the base coat to dry to seal the cracks. When it is completely dried, apply the polymer concrete over the base coat that covered the cracked areas using a taping knife. You can then leave the polymer concrete to dry completely according to the product usage instructions. The resurfaced area should be smooth to even out the surface. Use your concrete grinder for smoothing. Prepare your paint roller and brush to apply the prime coat on the entire area. Make sure to apply the prime coat evenly on all areas and every edge. Let the coat get dry completely before paint application.

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Minn. casino cooks up record 1-ton cheeseburger

CARLTON, Minn. (AP) ? A Minnesota casino has cooked up a world-record bacon cheeseburger that's 10 feet in diameter and weighs more than a ton.

The behemoth burger was served up Sunday at the Black Bear Casino Resort near Carlton. It tipped the scales at 2,014 pounds.

Guinness Records representative Philip Robertson verified the record for biggest burger. He called the feat a result of "remarkable teamwork" and said the burger "actually tastes really good."

A Duluth News Tribune report ( ) says the previous mark was a mere 881 pounds, 13 ounces.

Black Bear's burger included 60 pounds of bacon, 50 pounds of lettuce, 50 pounds of sliced onions, 40 pounds of pickles and 40 pounds of cheese.

It took about four hours to cook the patty. A crane was used to flip it.


Information from: Duluth News Tribune,


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Do Away with Common Roof Issues by Calling a Professional Roof ...

What if your Memphis, Tennessee, home has all but a roof structure? With the sporadic tornadoes, thunderstorms, and hailstorms in the city, this is the final circumstance you want to be in. This is a theoretical scenario, but if you don't know about the way to spot indicators of roof damage before they grow, you might as well not have a roofing system at all.

Your roof is leaking

You're busy minding your own business when you unexpectedly feel water drenching on you from the roof deck. So you observe the ceiling, and see brownish stains that weren't present until that time. You opt to assess the attic and almost tripped over on the pool of water below. If the scenario sounds very common, your roof most likely has a leak, which is among the most common roof concerns.

Your electricity bills are going up

Aside from keeping the elements out, roofs also adjust the temperature inside your house by preventing cold or heat from getting out. If you observe that you need to regulate your air conditioner's thermostat to a higher level than usual in the summer months, examine your roof. Do the same if your heating unit is already insufficient to keep your household warm during the winter months.

Your roof looks old

If you notice murky tarnish on your roof, these are most likely fungi or algae that will in the end deteriorate your roofing system. If your roofing system consists of shingles, and these shingles are cracked, coiled, or lost, you need the aid of contractors that perform the roof repair Memphis TN homes require. Peeling or blistering roof paint is an additional indicator that your roof requires repair, and so is decay of siding or sheathing. The longer you keep your roof unattended, the more likely that it's damaged.

Don't forget the chimney

Your roof structure can cover your home virtually totally. In any case, you may have a smokestack as the only open--and therefore, vulnerable--part of your roof covering. If you find out leaning, cracked joints, or damaged bricks on your smokestack, professionals for roof repair Memphis residents depend on can take care of these.

Figure out ways to spot the signs that you need urgent Memphis roof repair. This way, you can safeguard your property, your household, and your wallet. For additional knowledge on fixining roof leaks, check out

For more details search memphis roof repair, roof repair Memphis and roof repair memphis tn in Google.

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Monday, September 3, 2012

Jones-Drew ending holdout

Chicago Bears v Minnesota VikingsGetty Images

The bad news for Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher is that he has resigned himself to his surgically repaired left knee never again being completely healthy. The good news ? for the Bears? defense, if not for Urlacher?s long-term health ? is that Urlacher says he can and will play through it.

Urlacher told the Chicago FOX affiliate that his knee ?just isn?t the same anymore. It?s never going to be the same.?

At the same time, Urlacher said, there?s no doubt in his mind that he can be on the field and play effectively when the Bears open the regular season on Sunday against the Colts.

?I?m playing Sunday,? he said, via the Chicago Tribune. ?That?s a done deal. I think Lovie said it a month ago, Sept. 9.?

Urlacher injured his knee in the final game of last season and has spent the entire offseason trying to get better, with multiple surgeries, experimental treatments, rest and rehabilitation. Urlacher said he feels better now than he did when he experienced a setback early in training camp.

?The knee has been an issue, obviously, since last season,? Urlacher said. ?Felt good going into training camp. I was excited about it. Then, I kind of aggravated my knee during training camp. Then I had surgery, a little minor surgery, and it feels good again now. That?s all that matters, I feel good going into the season. It feels much better now. I have been running around quite a bit, not with the team in practice, I have been taking it really slow like Coach [Lovie] Smith said we would. Everything they are going to let me do, I?ll do. There is going to be some restrictions on what I can do because they don?t want to overwork me too early. It?s a long season. There will be some restrictions but there won?t be restrictions in the game on Sunday.?

Still, Urlacher acknowledged that ?there is no way? to be in football shape when a player is as limited during training camp and the preseason as he has been. And he realizes there?s a chance that his knee will slow him down to such an extent that he?d be a liability in the Bears? defense.

?If I can?t run, I?m hurting the team if I am out there not being able to do what I am normally able to do,? Urlacher said. ?I wouldn?t do that, plus I am hurting myself. If it hurts, I won?t be out there. But there is no pain right now.?

The big question is whether Urlacher can make it through 16 games ? or even one game ? without the pain returning.


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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Thousands swamp Bahrain highway in first legal 'Freedom and - RT

Bahraini Shiite Muslims waves national flags during an anti-government rally under the slogan "Freedom and Democracy" in the village of Shakhora, west of the capital Manama, on August 31, 2012. (AFP Photo/Mohammed Al-Shaikh)

Tens of thousands of pro-democracy protesters flooded a major highway in Bahrain for the first sanctioned opposition rally in months. They called on the government to release a prominent human rights activist and demanded greater freedom.

?The motorway, which links capital city Manama with Shiite villages, was swarming with demonstrators, the crowd extending for at least two miles (three kilometers). Protesters chanted pro-democracy slogans, waved Bahraini flags and called on the government to free Nabeel Rajab, a prominent human rights activist recently sentenced to three years in prison for supposedly organizing illegal protests.

?We do not forget the prisoners!? was one of the chants.

The mass rally was the first legal protest in over a month. In July, the government imposed a temporary ban on protests, with the interior ministry stating that the curfew was necessary to ?restore order.?

It was in that period that Nabeel Rajab was sentenced to three years in prison for participating in an ?illegal assembly? and ?calling for a march without prior notification.?

In June, Rajab had received a three-month prison sentence for a tweet that prosecutors say offended the residents of a Sunni-dominated neighborhood of the capital. In the tweet, Rajab alleged that the residents of the neighborhood only supported Prime Minister Sheikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa because of financial incentives.

A judge later overturned the Twitter sentence, but Rajab must still serve his other, lengthier prison term for allegedly holding an illegal march.

Pro-democracy protests in the country have been ongoing since February 2011.

Colin Cavell, a former lecturer at the University of Bahrain, believes the nation's people are resolute in their demands for democracy.

?They?re tired of a single family running the entire country with kangaroo courts, with no justice at all and with disparity among the population,? he told RT.

He also noted that while the US has traditionally propped up autocratic rulers and despotic monarchies to further its regional interests, a new strategy may soon be required.

?The United States wants to retain its hegemonic control not only over Bahrain, but over the entire Persian Gulf monarchs in the entire Middle East in order to keep that crude oil flowing,? he remarked. ?However, they realize with the increasing democratic opposition in all of these countries, that they can no longer lean on these autocratic rulers to retain their control.?


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SAfrica to withdraw murder charges against miners

(AP) ? South Africa's top prosecutor says she is withdrawing controversial murder charges against 270 miners for the killings of 34 striking co-workers shot by police.

Sunday's announcement follows a barrage of criticism from political parties, trade unions, civil society and legal experts.

Even the justice minister had challenged the decision to charge the arrested miners under an apartheid-era law that opened the government to accusations that it was acting like the former brutal white rulers.

Nomqcobo Jiba, the acting national director of public prosecutions, announced that the charges of murder and attempted murder would be formally withdrawn.

She said other charges including public violence would remain.

The Aug. 16 shootings by police killed 34 miners and wounded 78 in the worst display of state violence since apartheid ended in 1994.

Associated Press


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Unwanted cell phones being collected to help U.S. troops

A local effort is under way to convert old, unwanted cell phone into phone cards that can be used by members of the military serving abroad.

The national ?Cell Phones for Soldiers? program is being coordinated locally by Joyce Handa of the Poway Kiwanis Club. Boxes have been placed at several public locations where the phones will be collected and shipped to the program?s headquarters, where each phone will be exchanged for a 120-minute calling card. Those cards will be distributed to U.S. troops for calls back home.

Collection boxes have been placed at the Hamburger Factory, Poway High School, Twin Peaks Middle School, Painted Rock Elementary and Village Mail & More (intersection of Rancho Bernardo and Pomerado roads).

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Amazon Web Services Adds Long Requested Web Browser Specification

Amazon-Web-ServicesAmazon Web Services (AWS) added support today for a browser specification that defines ways for??apps to allow resources to be accessed by web pages?from different?domains.?The practice is called?Cross Origin Resource Sharing?(CORS) and has been requested by AWS users for the past few years. The new service represents another way that AWS automates tasks that developers once had to do themselves. We see this over and again fron AWS. They ?abstract arduous tasks so developers can focus on building apps.


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Can drug coverage erase the income gap in diabetes?

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) ? Universal drug coverage might help partly close the gap between the rich and the poor when it comes to diabetes complications, a new Canadian study suggests.

Researchers found that much of the income gap in heart risks among diabetic adults disappeared after the age of 65 ? the age at which universal drug coverage kicks in for Canadians.

Canada has universal healthcare, but when it comes to medications, people younger than 65 either pay out-of-pocket or have private drug coverage through work ? similar to Americans their age.

In the new study of more than 600,000 Ontario residents with diabetes, researchers found that lower-income people had higher risks of heart attack, stroke and death. But the disparity largely disappeared after age 65.

The findings, reported in the journal Diabetes Care, do not prove that universal drug coverage erased the income gap.

But there is no other obvious factor that would explain the ?sudden shift? at age 65, said lead researcher Dr. Gillian L. Booth, of the University of Toronto and St. Michael?s Hospital in Ontario.

?This also fits in with what?s been seen in other studies,? Booth said in an interview.

Research has shown that a growing number of people with diabetes cannot afford their medications ? which include not only drugs to control blood sugar, but also those for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other problems that commonly go hand-in-hand with diabetes.

Another study in Ontario also found a widening gap in death rates between the rich and poor with diabetes ? but the trend is mainly among people younger than 65.

?I feel confident that expanding drug coverage could help save some lives,? Booth said.

Her team?s findings are based on health records for 606,051 Ontario adults who were followed over six years. During that time, over 48,000 of those people were hospitalized for a heart attack or stroke, and just over 111,000 died of any cause.

Booth?s team found that among people younger than 65, those in the bottom 20 percent for income had a higher rate of heart attack, stroke and death: just over two percent per year, versus 1.4 percent among the wealthiest 20 percent.

Even when the researchers considered certain other factors ? like people?s history of heart problems before the study ? low income was still linked to a 51 percent higher risk.

But when the researchers looked at older adults, the gap between the rich and poor was much smaller: the lowest-income group had a 12-percent higher risk of heart attack, stroke or death than the most affluent group.

Even though Booth thinks universal drug coverage helps explains the findings, she said it is not the sole reason for the gap between the rich and poor.

?It?s more complicated than that,? Booth said. Diabetes is a complex condition that requires people to keep up a healthy lifestyle, and tackle daily tasks like measuring blood sugar.

So differences in diet, exercise, smoking and general ?health literacy? ? a person?s ability to read and understand information about a health condition ? are all important, according to Booth.

?Drug coverage is one piece,? she said. ?We think it?s an important piece, but it?s not the only one.?

Booth also said she thinks her findings are relevant to other countries, including the U.S., where the Medicare program for older Americans has covered the cost of prescriptions since 2006.

Studies have shown that since that benefit started, Medicare recipients? adherence to their medications has generally improved. That includes the poorest and sickest beneficiaries.

Those studies have also found that ?non-drug? spending ? mostly for hospitalizations ? has declined among Medicare recipients who previously had only limited drug coverage.

Medicare drug coverage is subject to coverage gaps, in which seniors have to pay full price for their prescriptions. Recent studies have found that participants often drop their medications when they hit that so-called ?donut hole? in coverage, but have not documented any health consequences from that choice. (See Reuters Health stories of July 2, 2012 and August 17, 2012.

Still, Booth said the overall evidence argues for better drug coverage for younger people as well. ?More and more people are being diagnosed with diabetes at younger ages,? she noted.

Older age is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes, by far the most common form of diabetes. But so is obesity. And in the U.S., about 36 percent of all adults are now obese.

An estimated 26 million Americans have diabetes, including 14 percent of all people between the ages of 45 and 64, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

SOURCE: Diabetes Care, online August 13, 2012.

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