Sunday, February 12, 2012

Get Started Today with Organic Vegetable Gardening ...

Feb 12th, 2012 at 7:08 am

You?ve been a long-time home gardener, and you?re experienced with growing food for your family, but now you want to experiment with moving into organic vegetable gardening. Maybe you?re unsure of the effects that pesticides are having on you and your family, or maybe you?re looking to reduce your ecological footprint. Whatever the reason, organic gardening may be the answer you are looking for. Here are some tips for getting started.

Buy Organic Seed

Many seed catalogs now offer organic seed. Choose your vegetables carefully, keeping in mind that you want to start by avoiding varieties known to be attractive to pests or vulnerable to specific diseases.

Learn To Love Compost

Using well-matured animal manure compost will work as well or better than commercial fertilizers, and give you great results.

Remember To Mulch

A thick bed of mulch will discourage weeds and reduce water loss through evaporation. Organic mulches also return nutrients to the soil as they decompose.

Flowers Are Your Friends

Flowers aren?t just decorative; they attract beneficial insects to the garden, helping reduce the number of pests. Some flowers are even edible themselves!

Adjust Your Expectations

Some people have a difficult time accepting that organic vegetable gardening means not having a perfectly sterile and picture-perfect garden. Your goal should be to have a garden in balance with nature, which means accepting some damage from pests and diseases as just being par for the course. Let Nature work her magic!

Tags: organic vegetable gardening


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