Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mint Personal Finance App Released for Android Tablets

Rating: 10.0/10 (1 vote cast)

Today, released their personal finance app for Android tablets. This app is now available on the Android market for free. If you?re an Android tablet owner, you can use the Mint personal finance app to get a clear picture of your spending habits and see how well you?re doing if you?ve established a budget. already had apps available for the iPad, iPhone, and Android smartphones. This app for Android tablets is just one more way for to reach consumers and help them manage their finances.

The new app for Android tablets provides users with graphs and charts that help them track their spending and see where their money is going. If you?ve ever wondered how much money you spend on gas, food, clothes, and entertainment, this is the app for you. If you?re trying to stick to a budget, gives you real-time updates based on your spending. So, you can know immediately if you?re spending more than you want to. You can even use the app when your Android tablet isn?t connected to the internet. The app will provide you with information downloaded the last time your tablet was in a WiFi hotspot.

According to representatives at, Android tablets are supposed to hold at least 40% of the market share in a few months. The popularity of Android tablets is definitely growing thanks to better Android tablet options. If you?ve recently hopped on the Android tablet bandwagon, you can expect more Android tablet apps to be coming your way, as more businesses try to reach the increasing number of Android tablet users.

Mint Personal Finance App Released for Android Tablets, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating


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